Cinco Version 2.0 Released

Mar 15, 2021 by Daniel Busch

We are very proud to present Cinco 2.0, one of our biggest updates yet. This version includes several new (including breaking) changes. An overview can be found in our changelog, but the most outstanding changes will be covered in this post.

Feel free to give it a try and download Cinco 2.0. now.

As always, every feedback is appreciated. Just send us an email or create a new issue if you should run into problems. Thanks in advance. :)

MGL Modularity

The biggest change is probably the newly introduced MGL modularity.

It allows to reuse parts of your MGLs across whole Cinco projects. To do that, you can now use import statements to reference other MGL models. All model elements of referenced MGL models can then be reused in the form of being extended by newly defined model elements. This includes extensions of graph models, which are also introduced with this version of Cinco.

MGL modularity can be used to make your models more lean, remove or minimize redundancies, prevent code divergence or obsolescence.

A migration guide can be found in our wiki.

Please note: This feature required breaking changes to the MGL grammar. Therefore, you are required to migrate all of your MGL models, even if you do not want to make use of this feature. Following the guide the needed effort should be relatively low. Again, feel free to contact us if you face trouble during your migration.

Cinco Event System

An all new event system has been implemented. Internally, all hooks (e.g. preDelete, etc.) have been rewritten to use the new event system.

But what does that mean for you? You can now register your own hooks and trigger them programmatically! Please refer to our wiki for an in-depth overview of this great feature.

Custom Anchors

With Cinco 2.0 you are now able to define your own anchors for nodes at which incoming and outgoing edges connect to.

Simply use the anchor in front of a shape you define in your style models. This will automatically use this (sub-)shape as an anchor in the generated graphical editors.

Anchor Shape Example

Java 11 and Eclipse 2020-06

Goodbye Java 8 and Eclipse Photon! Welcome Java 11 and Eclipse 2020-06.

Cinco now utilises the current Java LTS version, Java 11 and also a newer version of Eclipse. Besides of some performance enhancements you can now also enjoy all the new features that have been introduced somewhere between Java 8 and Java 11 as well as between Eclipse Photon and Eclipse 2020-06.

macOS Installer

The macOS version of Cinco is now delivered as an installer to make it even simpler getting Cinco running. Instead of the usual zip-archive you will now find mountable disk images (dmg) on our download website for all nightly and release builds.

Overhauled Icon

Our icons and splashscreens have slightly been adjusted and are now available in more sizes. This will make them look better regardless of which OS or screen resolution and size you are working on. Users of macOS Big Sur will be pleased to hear, that we also provide a squirclefied version of our icon, so that it fits neatly into the new OS style.